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... requires OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXPERIMENTATION and NEW EXPERIENCES instead of political language games: MOVING, AFFECTING and CHANGEING things require creating EXPERIENTIAL SPACES where the emotional is interwoven with the cognitive. These spaces are often intentionally alienating; otherwise they would just confirm the status quo. For us, viable organisational development means developing a UNIQUE TRANSFORMATIONAL COMPOSITION for every company. Below are 17 examples of our dozens of diverse experiential spaces.
LEADERSHIP is not just another word for management, but a MODEL FOR EXPANDED THINKING and ACTION for top executives. CULTURAL QUESTIONS play an IMPORTANT ROLE here because they lead to specific TOPICS related to leadership personality. Character, body, mind, values and timeless wisdom, combined with the latest scientific findings from different schools are central areas of work. Leaders of the future must be able to play 12 ROLES in order to BE EFFECTIVE. We work intensely on these roles.
Management development is an intense and demanding LEARNING PROCESS. This process runs over a period of one to two years and consists of four to seven experiential spaces (two to five days each). One focus is WORKING ON THE PERSONALITY of the participants. The other focal points are always close to the VISION, GOALS, STRATEGY and CULTURE OF THE COMPANY (strategy-implementing learning). The experiential spaces are designed to be tailor-made for the respective company.
Strategy development, as the HIGHEST DISCIPLINE of entrepreneurship, enables the company to achieve results in an unpredictable environment. We support this process with years of tried and tested, well-founded and INNOVATIVE MOTIVATORS and TOOLS.
EVERY COMPANY IS UNIQUE and accordingly has an unmistakable DNA. A system diagnosis, which is carried out and evaluated based on qualitative interviews, conversations and discussions, describes the logic according to which the company works, learns and ticks.
All of a company’s activities are based on BENEFITS to the CUSTOMER. What the customer experiences as creating value is what the customer perceives as a benefit and – to put it bluntly – what they are willing to pay for. Conversely, everything that is not perceived as a benefit by the customer is wasted. Therefore, CONTINUOUS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT aims to FREE CORE, SERVICE and CONTROL PROCESSES – ideally COMPLETELY – from WASTE, which can be achieved through continuous improvement according to the Kaizen principle. We have expanded this approach to include the topic of sustainability and consequently coined the term “KAIZENSU”.
Coaching is INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATION (“in private”) with individuals with work-related, technical-factual and/or psychological-sociodynamic questions or problems. Coaching aims at the following eight elements that shape the professionalism of leadership and management: 1. Responsibility, 2. Principles and values, 3. Tasks, 4. Tools, 5. Management (business vision, strategy, structure, culture), 6. Media (communication and information), 7. Environment, 8. Personality. Coaching takes place IN THE SPACE OF TENSION between PROFESSIONAL and PRIVATE ROLES. We see ourselves as a neutral communication, interaction and sparring partner who opens up and facilitates the PROCESS OF INDIVIDUAL (FURTHER) DEVELOPMENT.
“I’ll do it like you ... in my way” is a crucial attitude when it comes to succession in family businesses. This is an extremely COMPLEX PROCESS between three intertwined systems: 1. Family system, 2. Ownership system, 3. Management system. It is always about LOVE, POWER and MONEY, in other words, the “BERMUDA TRIANGLE” in a family business.
To RECOGNISE TRENDS as early as possible, to SENSE INNOVATIONS and to study customer behaviour, it is important to go where things are happening, “INTO THE FIELD” so to speak (countries, cities, companies) and scout there. Field scouting makes it possible to DISCOVER and IMPLEMENT a large number of practical IDEAS.
We understand team development to be a somewhat automatic process (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning) that groups go through in phases over the course of their existence. AN ENSEMBLE IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN A TEAM. Each member of an ensemble must be able to perform multiple roles in different contexts. There is also constant and agile ALTERNATION between large and small ROLES. But all roles are crucial for SUCCESS.
Supervision is a CONSCIOUS INTERACTION between the participating “supervisor”, “supervisee” and “client”. Practical exercises here include problematic scenes that the supervisee experiences or has experienced in a professional context or for which they want to prepare. And in a REFLECTION, participants concentrate on the behaviour and inner life of those involved and affected, on their interaction, their tasks and projects and/or on the relationship of the supervised system to superordinate, sibling or subordinate systems. Based on the reflection, the supervisee formulates LEARNING OBJECTIVES, which are worked on within and outside of the supervision.
Large group work is a method to INSPIRE and MANAGE groups of 50 to 2,200 participants in a “space” in such a way that they achieve EFFECTIVE AND ACTIONABLE RESULTS in a relatively short time (one and a half to three days). The goals can be: large-scale change, rapid results, continuous improvement, implementing visions, implementing strategies and goals, shaping culture, collecting ideas, etc. The core elements are: Mobilising the energies of many, usefully networking abilities and skills, self-control and learning autonomy, as well as responsibility. In addition to the CLASSIC FORMS (Future Conference, RTSC Conference, Open Space and World Café), we have developed a large number of NEW and AGILE FORMS.
The vast majority of companies and employees do not seem to realise that customers pay their salaries and bonuses. So customer satisfaction alone is not enough. In our transformational processes along the customer journey, we want to DEVELOP ENCOUNTERS and RELATIONSHIPS together with our customers, which ANCHORS CUSTOMER ENTHUSIASM in the DNA of the company.
There is constant potential for conflict when people, teams or organisational units work together. When there is a conflict, it is crucial to LOOK CLOSELY and DIAGNOSE what is really going on. Then it is a question of WORKING THROUGH the CONFLICT and – if possible – SOLVING it with APPROPRIATE and HELPFUL INTERVENTIONS. Ultimately, behaviour, values, beliefs, character and whether constructive continuation of contact with the other party is desired determine whether the conflict can be resolved.
In every person and every company, there is a longing for a constructive future. This longing exists consciously or unconsciously in the form of images in people’s minds and hearts. A MEANINGFUL VISION gives BELIEF IN THE FUTURE, IDEAS and DREAMS a FORM (image, form, text, words, etc.). A company has no future without a viable meaningful vision.
In organisations where cultural development has dried up, some strong cues can often be seen. For example, people talk about “the people at headquarters” or “them” instead of the common “WE”. There are very conscious demarcations here (silo thinking) and self-portrayal and corporate policy are pursued, which ultimately always comes at the expense of collaboration. The result of this kind of "CORPORATE CULTURE" is enormous transaction costs (costs for internal markets and waste), which ultimately also have a negative impact on business success and weigh heavily on the mood.
The true STORY of SIR ERNEST SHACKLETON is one of the most impressive documents for TRUE LEADERSHIP and TEAMWORK at the highest level. He managed to lead his 27-strong team home safely through a 635-day crisis. Based on his diary entries 20 years ago, we developed a UNIQUE SEMINAR that includes everything it takes to turn a TRAGEDY into a TRIUMPH. From this, we have created a development space that is unique throughout the world. Your team will be different afterward! Seminars for teams are more relevant than ever especially in times of constant crises!
Ever since Peter Drucker delivered the blueprint for organising large organisations in the 1960s, borrowing from the military, we seem to have had little to think of apart from hierarchy, centralised/decentralised and matrix. For organisations of the FUTURE it is about developing VIABLE STRUCTURES. The VIABLE SYSTEM MODEL from Stafford Beer offers an excellent foundation for this. It serves as a reference model for describing, diagnosing and designing the organisational management. In order for a SYSTEM to be viable, it must be able to adapt to external and internal changes. It must LEARN TO PERCEIVE, LEARN from CHANGES, UTILISE them SENSIBLY, and DEVELOP INDEPENDENTLY. But it must NOT GIVE UP its OWN IDENTITY in the process. The very first goal must be SURVIVAL not profit maximisation. What is important is not just leading people but MANAGING, DIRECTING and REGULATING entire organisations in their respective environment. It is not about a handful of people managing everyone else but about everyone performing certain managerial functions. Instead of managing everything centrally or through one person, real INFORMATION NETWORKS are created that enable REAL SELF-ORGANISATION, so everyone can do everything that is necessary in their area and make decisions independently. Using the Viable System Model, Beer organised people, tools and tasks in such a way that everyone can rely on the necessary orientation, information and perspectives. The resulting findings form the basis of our work on ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES OF THE FUTURE.
It is the unique PEOPLE and
great COMPANIES that bring viable and meaningful products, technologies and services into the world and create so an ENCELTAGUE FUTURE.
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