Magical land? A country, an economy as beautiful as it is improbable? A magical concept, but certainly not realizable. Or is it? Are there perhaps things that we don't see because we aren’t looking for them?
Do you see the moon suspended there? –
Only half of it can be seen
And yet it is round and beautiful!
That is how it is with quite a few things
Which we confidently dismiss
Since our eyes cannot see them.
The Evening Song by Matthias Claudius gives us something to send us on our way. Let us not pass judgement too quickly and relegate the magical land to the realm of mere fantasy. We would miss out on something wonderful. Our magical land leads us straight into a book, a book of wonders and possibilities that are nevertheless firmly anchored in reality.
It is a book about business and about people. Not one of the usual books on business or economics that are often mass-produced. There are enough of those already. It is a book that shows us that we are better than we think and capable of much more than we suspect.
In the spirit of the Leibniz Academy, it is committed to theoria cum praxi . One cannot exist without the other. Therefore, it not only leads us to the secrets of good practice in structure, organization, and leadership. It also takes us to the sources of our cognition, which are often so deeply hidden that they are as unseeable as Santa Claus in the response given by legendary editorial writer for The New York Sun, Francis Church. If we do not know why we think the way we do, we make mistakes - especially when it comes to developing, communicating, and implementing visions and goals. It is also a book about the wealth of knowledge that we have not yet used to transform rigid organizational structures into living social and sound - viable - systems. Nature is a much better teacher than any military and church could ever be.
It is a book about pioneers who courageously break new ground and have recognized that the old recipes for success no longer work when it comes to creating something new, but only destroy. A book about how we can gain new perspectives, how we can put them into practice, and how we can stop shying away from working on ourselves. This is the only way we can make real transformation possible, which is something completely different from making cheap claims for the good of the greater good when all that is really meant is stupid profit.
... and would not burst from all its outer layers
like a star: for there is no place
that does not see you. You must change your life.
Verse from one of Rainer Maria Rilke’s most famous poems (Archaic Torso of Apollo)
Let us take the book and dare to consider the distances in space and time. We will then see that the world is full of places like our magical land and that numerous companies and organizations have long followed its example and are thus successful in every way.
Oikos – Economy as an Art of Living
The book is in the starting blocks and will be launched soon.
The anticipation of it is our gift.